Locations Served

The Marketing Goddess LLC proudly serves businesses big and small and individuals with projects of any size nationwide. Though primarily based in the Boise, Idaho area we work with clients from coast to coast, from California all the way to Florida. Be it website design, business card design and print, or even massive screen printing orders, we do it all, and we perform quickly, diligently, and as a high level of quality.

Below are a few of the main locations we have served around the nation and near our headquarters in Boise, Idaho. Each page lists the services we provide for those areas, examples of our work, and links to other resources on our website that can help you choose what services you need by providing you with more information about them.

Alabama Alaska Arizona
Arkansas California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware Florida
Georgia Hawaii Idaho
  • Boise, Idaho
  • Meridian, Idaho
  • Eagle, Idaho
  • Caldwell, Idaho
  • Nampa, Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland Massachusetts
Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
New Mexico New York North Carolina
North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
Texas Utah Vermont
Virginia Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming