Mobile Websites

Mobile websites are a very important aspect of having a successful business in the 21st century. When your potential customers and clients are out and about they don’t always have access to a computer to search for your address, phone number, etc., so making it easy on them to see and find that information when they visit your site from their phones is very important.

The Marketing Goddess now offers mobile websites for businesses big and small. We use WordPress to manage the content and speed up the process of developing a mobile site that looks attractive and professional. When you use The Marketing Goddess to develop your new Mobile Compatible Website you will receive the following:

  • Search Engine Optimized pages that will make it easier for your clients to find your website and services when they search from their phones.
  • Five Pages that are easy for your clients and customers to navigate: A Home Page, an About Page, a Contact Page, a Products or Services page, and a “Special Offers” page where you can offer discounted prices for customer who use your mobile site.

For more information about this deal please contact us at
208-866-2516 or through our Contact Page.

WordPress Mobile Friendly Site

HTML Mobile Friendly Site