Hey there! My name is Mike Montgomery, I’m the website developer here at The Marketing Goddess. Well, that’s my main title, I do a lot of different things for TMG, including SEO, WordPress Customization and Training, Social Media strategizing and even more. As the all around internet savvy guy here at the Marketing Goddess, I will be making regular internet related blog posts. Sometimes they’ll be about social media (how to’s or strategies), sometimes they’ll be about tips for your website, and other times they’ll be simple question and answers.
For my first one I have recorded a video on How to Change Your Password on Facebook. It’s a short video, just over a minute that will help you change your Facebook password if for some reason you find that you need to. Typically people need to change their Facebook passwords because they’ve gotten the security of their account compromised by accidentally giving out their passwords. You hear people say their account was hacked, generally, no it wasn’t hacked, it was entered into a website that tricked you into thinking it was Facebook when it wasn’t. But we can save that rant for another time! If you have any questions about Facebook or social networks in general please leave them in the comments and I will add them to my list of topics!